Admiration, how about general information on the subject….

Admiration is a complex and fascinating emotional state that expresses strong appreciation or respect for something or someone. It can relate to various aspects of life – from personalities and their achievements to nature, art, or technology. Admiration is not just a superficial or temporary feeling, but it can be based on a deeper appreciation and understanding of the value of something or someone.

What Triggers Admiration?

Admiration can be triggered by many factors, typically associated with exceptional qualities or actions. Some of the most common causes include:

  1. Exceptional skills and talents – People who stand out for their talents in certain areas (such as art, sports, or science) can evoke admiration from others.

  2. Moral values – Admiration can also be directed toward individuals who demonstrate a high degree of virtue, integrity, and empathy.

  3. Inspirational stories – People who have gone through tough life challenges and managed to overcome them are admired for their resilience and strength.

  4. Creativity and innovation – Technologies, art, and inventions that change the world generate admiration and admirers.

The Psychology of Admiration

Admiration can be perceived as a positive emotion that connects a person with something or someone they value. Psychologists suggest that admiration plays an important role in our personal development as it shows us what we consider valuable. Admiring someone can lead to personal inspiration, motivation, and the desire for self-improvement.

It is also interesting that admiration can be mutual. While one person may admire certain qualities in another, the admired individual may feel gratitude and responsibility. In both cases, there is an exchange of positive energy, which can lead to personal growth for both parties.

Admiration and Its Boundaries

Admiration can quickly become unbalanced, especially when it is linked to idealizing a person or object. Idealization may cause us to lose objectivity and fail to recognize negative aspects that we might otherwise perceive. In such cases, admiration can become excessive and lead to disappointment or skewed expectations.

Admiration is one of the strongest feelings that can motivate personal growth, but it also requires balance and a realistic view of the world. When healthy and balanced, admiration can bring many positive experiences and relationships that enrich and inspire us.
P.S: Admiration and envy, they can coexist; admiration is something we "just" like, and thus we admire it, but in life, it is not our need, desire, or intention to try, realize, or follow it.

In contrast to envy, these are often mirrored similarities, where, in the sense of this feeling, the person we envy reveals something within us that we can develop and realize by working on our own growth, character, and often even surpass the one we envy. :-)
 There are also exceptions.